Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hailey is a Green Belt

I just realized that I had posted that Hailey was going to take the Green Belt test for Karate and never updated the blog on her results. An email that I received from Skylar said it best so I'm going to steal her words and stick them right in here.

"Hailey is a green belt now--you should have seen her--she really passed the test! I am so excited!"

That is all...Keeping it real in the AFG

Strange Things are afoot at the Circle K

Okay, so maybe not strange but very cool.

First, the biggest news is that our new house is ready and we will be closing on it on the 9th. Of course, Julie is handling this all on her own since I'm deployed so the excitement of the purchase of our first house is tempered somewhat, but it's still way cool. We've been married just under 11 years, but this is the first time we've a. Felt in a decent place financially to purchase a house and b. Liked someplace enough to possibly settle there after I retire from the AF in four years. I'll post a picture when I get a chance, but if you want to have a looksie ahead of time you can go to and search for the Isadora model in the Loma Colorado section of Rio Rancho, NM.

The second big news is that Skylar is now swallowing her pills whole. For those of you who don't know, Skylar has both autism and epilepsy. Due to this, she has to take a boat-load of pills and medicines each day. Up until now, any pills that she's had to take had to either be crushed or the capsule had to be opened and the medicine poured out onto a spoonful (or two or three) of applesauce for her to take each morning and evening. Needless to say our household is no longer fond of applesauce as a snack! You eat it (or watch someone eat it) twice a day for five years and then see how you like it! ;) However, yesterday Skylar swallowed her first pills whole and the Coryell household rejoiced!

Anyway, I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks so I wanted to throw something out there. What better than a couple of the many blessings that God has heaped on my life. Not too much new in Afghanistan. I can't say I'm liking it any better but I also can't say I'm liking it any worse so there's something to be said about that. Only 81 days until my estimated return home and yes I am counting!

Have a great day!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hailey's Going for Green

Very exciting news for our youngest...she's been selected to test for her Green Belt in Karate. She's very proud. I'm more than a little disappointed that I won't be able to be there in person, but I'm so excited and proud of her. She's been taking the lessons for almost a year now and she's so into it that it just makes you smile. Before I left, her dojo had a demonstration where all of the students came and did different exercises for their friends and family. Hailey, being a white belt, was one of the first to present. She did great and when she was through everyone wanted to head out to a restaurant. The only problem was that Hailey wanted to stay and watch the entire the rest of the family headed to get us a table and the Hayster and I stayed and watched the Green and Black belts strut their stuff. I don't know if she'll remember that as she grows up, but I'm pretty sure that I'll always remember that special time; just she and I. She was so intent on watching every little move the older students made. I'll make the prediction day there will be a black belt in the family!!

A second (at least to Skylar) exciting event in the lives of the Coryell's happened this week as well. Skylar now has her own email address. In the two days that she's had it she's sent me multiple emails. She's very sweet in her excitement when I let her know that she should check her inbox for a message.

That's it for today. Have a blessed Monday!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

New World Record

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe I have set a new world record for fewest posts in the longest amount of time.

I actually have to thank my good friend Micah Tapp for bringing me back. He has his own blog and when I went in to comment on his new deck (very nice) I had to log in...

and this reminded me that I actually had/have a blog (sort of)...

and hey, what a good idea to try and blog while I'm in Afghanistan so here we go.

For those of you who don't know me (and how in the world did you find your way here if you don't) I am in the US Air Force and am currently deployed in Kabul, Afghanistan. I've been here for just under three months and I have just over three months to go on this deployment. It does stink being away from my family...I'm not going to gloss over that fact; it really stinks!

However, it has been very interesting. Now I don't like having to carry a gun around everywhere I go and I don't like having to wear body armor and a helmet when I leave the camp, but I've met people from 37 different countries (I work as part of a NATO force). I've played cricket (in the same way that someone who has played wiffleball can say they've played baseball) and have even tried waffles with goat cheese. It's a Norwegian thing and actually not bad.

I've also met some great men and women of God and the chaplain here got me started on a new way of bible study that forces me to examine the scriptures, think about how to apply them in my life and then create a way to pray specifically for God to help me to do exactly that. It's amazing to me how God turns situations that we don't want (spending six months away from your family, just for an example) into a time when He can really mold and change you.

Anyway, I think that I've probably rambled on for long enough. If you made it this far, kudos to you. Have a great day and may God richly bless you and your family.